I don't think age limitation will be even a tiny bit effective. It only takes one person to crack a system and then every kid knows how to get around the limitation.

As long as the current education system has a culture of putting everything on the internet, and making it impossible to participate without internet service, kids will be immersed in "connected" culture and they are going to be over exposed to all the goods and ills on the internet.

The way education is currently conducted is like setting the kids' desks in the center of the largest, most absorbing amusement park in the world and then telling them to focus on their school work.

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Thanks. I don't know if age limits are good/best. I'm inclined to disfavor content moderation.

In spending some time reviewing the science of the concern it seems the time as moved on to publicly debate options and evaluate options, rather than seeking to remove uncertainty or prove which camp is right. There is strong support to do something and it appears a number of options are on the table.

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The critical issue is that the algorithms have aimed at maximum engagement and found that the most addictive things are not good for people's mental state

I think an age ban is good and agree content moderation is ineffective and also prone to capture by ideological censors

Building a dam to turn a tide is one thing but I believe reversing the flow is the real answer, with a social media well being tax shift. Platforms should simply be taxed according to the self reported well being of their users, with equivalent credits going to the best performing platforms

When gaining 1% more revenue through serving negatively addicting content means a larger increase in tax loss to competitors the entire algorithm may change its flow fundamentally

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Social media reward attention seekers who actively produce fantasy, including mental and physical maladies of every extreme variety, competing openly for the most sympathy “likes”. Your proposal assumes a level of truth that simply does not exist in these media.

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