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It is unsurprising to me (and should be to any remotely educated American with an interest in scientific research broadly) that the "scientific" community is corrupted by conflicts of interest, monetary carrots for favored findings, disreputable study standards and generally absurd levels of bad scientific construction. John Ioannidis has been beating that drum in regards to social science for decades and most certainly after the middle school science fair levels of research conducted on Covid by the CDC, WHO, NIH, JAMA, and other public health menaces, he must be having many sleepless nights. The capper is his own experience with the Santa Clara study, the findings of which were completely repudiated by what passes for virology "experts" at universities and public health organizations in 2020. Four years later, it's apparent that not only was the godfather of modern scientific study design on the money with his findings, the sky-is-falling idiots who declared him unfit look like the craven amateurs that they are.

Climate science is the most obvious haven for bad modelling, bad prognostication and big egos because it's where all of the money is. If only amongst that community, reputable, rigorous scientists weren't treated as evil luddites in the pockets of big oil. The effect on science generally and the public is apparent and frightening. There is dog pile knowledge on the climate held by my supposedly informed and well educated family and friends. It is enough for them to read the Atlantic or WaPo to get their analysis. If challenged in any way, they resort to ad hominem or worse, appeal to authority to defend completely indefensible positions...after all, Al Gore couldn't be wrong. He's a genius.

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