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Allow me to thank you for this article.

In pushing back against a prophecy of doom which from the outset had no objective evidence to support it we need all the analysis we can get from honest brokers.

Man-made accelerated global warming driven by no other mechanism than the human use of fossil fuel bringing about an incremental increase in a trace atmospheric gas has absolutely no observational evidence - quite the contrary.

Once the cry of "fire" was heard in the darkened theatre, the panic has spread and escalated giving rise to multiple assertions from multiple directions escalating the panic and permitting more and more absurd and damaging plans to avert the disaster predicted.

All efforts to discover and spread the truth at this time are extremely valuable.

Remember, the IPCC models that have NOT been authenticated have been used to predict certain results over definite time periods in the future.

EACH time the prediction has been wrong, wrong in the wrong direction (too much warming) and more wrong each successive prediction to now.

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