As a health scientist and researcher COI, fake studies, and fraudulent ones are on my daily radar. I always suspected that climate science is no exception to the humongous degree of biased papers that we see in science in general. I have seen the influence if NGOs in my area, too. From villifying tuna fishing to evangelizing "planetary health diets". I encourage you to keep up your sleuthing work. It is essential and highly necessary.

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This is heroic work. I find this issue, along with many others, tedious and boring and so far from the basic science that I can barely bother to read the details.

But, alas, the details are totally necessary.

I prefer to always state the existence of the elephant being still in the room, Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere goes up and down as the ocean temperature goes up and down, first the ocean and then the atmospheric carbon dioxide. Temperature sets CO2 level, CO2 does not set ocean temperature level.

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