If biased climate science increases policy cost and excessively restricts economic growth, particularly for growing economies, there will be a death toll far beyond what is possible from individual drugs

It's definitely a different psychological event than when a drug with faked research kills even a small number of clearly specific individuals. The marginal exposure of the global south to restrictions on development deserves a lot of attention to balance the universal convention of uncontextualized statements about their marginal exposure to potential warming costs

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Thank you for an excellent post.

With respect to the latest IPCC WG1 report, the bias extends broadly. I was invited to review the drafts of the report and below are the cites of my reviews (urls in next two comment). All my comments were completely ignored.

Pielke, R.A. Sr., 2019: A Review of the AR6 First Draft of IPCC Working Group I (WG1) report, May 2019.

Pielke, R.A. Sr., 2020: Comment on the AR6 Second Draft of IPCC Working Group 1 (WG1) report. February 2020.

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You might be interested in this book: Conflict of Interest in the Professions | eds M Davis & A Stark, Oxford University Press 2001 & 2023


In this book the editors make a distinction between bias & COI.

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Yes they are different things. One does not necessarily cause the other. COI is often found where bias is found, but there are lots of reasons for different forms of bias.

Krimsky had a good read on this: Do Financial Conflicts of Interest Bias Research?: An Inquiry into the “Funding Effect” Hypothesis https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0162243912456271

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The other side of that tainted coin is the efforts to prevent publication of research which does not support the narrative. Pielke, Lindzen, Soon, Spencer, Christy, Curry and others have been its victims. Climate science has also been a victim.

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I also experienced this suppression of viewpoints at a NOAA climate meeting

Pielke Sr., Roger A., 2005: Public Comment on CCSP Report "Temperature Trends in the Lower Atmosphere: Steps for Understanding and Reconciling Differences". 88 pp including appendices.

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The green grift runs deep

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